If you wish to cancel your order before we’ve despatched it, please email us to request the cancellation. We aim to deliver orders as quickly as possible, so please contact us as soon as possible. Once the goods have left, we can’t cancel your order, and the following returns procedure will need to be followed.
You may return any purchased products within 14 days of delivery for any reason (including if you simply change your mind). To do so, you must notify us in writing via email or post within 14 days of delivery.
If you are returning a product for any reason, except damage or manufacturing defect, you must pay the costs of returning the products to us or our suppliers. On request, we may be able to arrange collection of the products from you, but the cost will be charged to you, and we may deduct this from the refund. Return carriage can be expensive!
If you are returning items to us, we strongly suggest you insure them for their full value. If the items are lost or damaged, we will not be able to refund you.
Damaged or faulty items
If the product delivered is not what you ordered, does not correspond with its description, or the product delivered is faulty, and you have notified us within 14 working days, we may replace the item or affected parts, or you may cancel the order and receive a full refund. You will not be charged for the costs of returning the product.
If a product arrives damaged, you must make a note on the carrier’s delivery note. All Carriers work on the theory that a signature denotes the safe arrival of the whole consignment in good condition, it is vital that damage and/or shortages are noted alongside your signature and that you strike out the words “received in good condition.” You must also report such damage to GreenFern immediately via email or phone. You are requested to provide a photographic record of the damage and submit this with the notifying email.
If it is not feasible to check the actual products whilst the driver is still with you, you must at the very least mark the delivery note that cartons and/or packaging were “damaged/crushed/torn” on arrival and strike out the words “received in good condition.”
Should any damage to the contents not be immediately obvious at the time of delivery, you must inform GreenFern by email or phone within 24 hours after receipt. You are requested to provide a photographic record of the damage and submit this to GreenFern with the notifying email.
If you use or assemble any items, we will deem that you accepted they were in good condition when you received them. We will not accept returns or cancellations if the products have been altered in any way.
While in your possession, you must keep any products you intend to return to us in good condition. Products must be returned in the same condition as they were delivered and in the same packaging. If products were delivered flat-packed, they must be returned in the same way. Care must be taken to ensure the return products are packed well to avoid damage or loss of parts in transit.
Please do not dispose of any packaging or ask the driver to take anything away antil you are sure you will not be returning it for ANY reason.
You can also see our full terms and conditions by clicking here.